
Our Principles

A Challenging Culture

We create investment ideas within an environment that is intellectually provocative, rigorous and honest.

An Imaginative Focus

We partner with clients to help them capitalise on agility – anticipating future trends and events in an age of uncertainty and successfully capturing value from them.

A Shared Investment

We are accountable to our clients and our fee structure is focused on performance-related compensation.

A Broader Responsibility

We are aware of our privileged position and are committed to uplifting those less fortunate in a way that is sustainable and has a meaningful impact.

Our Culture

We nurture values like curiosity, courage and creativity. We don’t shy from obstacles or effort, as the best solutions are rarely found via the path of least resistance. We encourage different perspectives and are not afraid of respectful disagreement.

And while we recognize that a radically truthful and transparent approach can be uncomfortable, we have found that it produces better results and makes us better leaders.

Our Clients

Our logo defines our approach to relationships – Long Lake, our clients and our community moving in harmony towards our shared goals.

This is why we seek to work with like-minded organisations that celebrate individual talents, while getting the most out of those talents working together in a well-calibrated team.

Our focus is always sharply on the creation of shareholder value. However, we define that value in a broader sense to include societal and individual value, personal meaning and community belonging.